Ayurvedic Cooking Class

April 30th at The Inn at Weathersfield

Lini is excited to return to the Hidden Kitchen at The Inn at Weathersfield to teach a hands-on Ayurvedic Indian cooking class.

In this class, Lini will instruct on how to cook a well-balanced Ayurvedic vegetarian meal, while learning about eating according to our specific dosha type (Vata, Pitta or Kapha), about the six tastes that guide Ayurvedic cooking, good and bad food combinations, as well as the best way to enhance our digestion, while experiencing how this way of cooking and eating can satisfy our body, mind and spirit. You will receive recipes as well as handouts on Ayurvedic principals we will have covered.

The menu will include: Savory Lassi, Mixed Grain Pilaf, Sprouted Mung Bean Daal, Sauteed Seasonal Greens, Carrot-Beet Ginger Salad, and how to make how to make homemade ghee.

$65 per person. Call 802-263-9217 at The Weathersfield Inn to book.